Haryanvi Language Words

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Haryanvi Language Words Starting with A

PronunciationHaryanvi Word
AaballआबलMore, plenty – ज्यादा (‘अव्वल’)
AadhaalआढळTo cover-up something
Aadneआड़Cover-up (for hiding)
AakhttaआखटाA wild plant used in Ayurvedic medicines
Aakhyerआख्यरThe end, Extreme
AallaआळाA low-level shelving unit
Aallआळ(i) Child’s mischief; (ii) Wrestling
AalannआलणCoarse flour mixed with vegetables
Aalljheddaअळ्झेड़ा/उळ्झेड़ाThe quarrel/misunderstanding
AamdaarआमदारPowerful person
AankhआंखThe alphabet/word
AankhleeआंखळीUneven, tiny heaps or ditches
Aantआँट(i) Verb – to fill-up; (ii) Obstacle
AapnaआपणाOur (possessive)
Aartaaआर्ताA kodak moment for the best-looking female
Aasannआस्सणPortion of a pyjama or pant around the hips
AasannpaatiआसणपाटीTo pretend to be ill
Aavaddiआवड़ीDistance of about 2 kilometers
AayalअयालLoose skin hanging below the neck/throat of an ox
Addaअड्डाStop place (‘Bus-Adda’ बस अड्डा)
Addoosaअड़ूसाTemporary twist to trousers
Akddi-Jakddiअकड़ी-जकड़ीTongue-twisters, especially by children
AlaआलाAn elevated place
AmritbaannअमृतबाणA pot made of China clay for keeping pickles
Angaakraaअंगाकड़ाSame as “Teekdaa”
Angrejअंग्रेजMay refer to a white person or educated individual
AnndiअणदीAn iron ring used in village games
AntaaअंटाFat, colored glass ball used in street games
AplatoonअफलातूनLoadful of sarcasm
Astaअस्टाHard, Difficult
Aull-Saullऔळ-सौळTo do hanky-panky business
AvaaआवाSmoke pipe; oven of a potter


Haryanvi Language Words starting with B

Pronunciation Haryanvi Words Heel
Barraबर्राVery thick rope used to tie up loads
BaaबाThe disease of arthritis, also means grandfather
BaabatबाबतRelated to, concerning
Baaddबाड़Thorny fence, to insert something
Baaddiबाड़ीCotton crop
Baddnaaबड़नाTo enter
BaadhबाधMore (in quantity)
Baadhaaबाढ़ाStarting point, deep cut
BaadhiबाधीStrip of cloth or leather
Baddsar/Baddassraaबडसिर / बड्डसराAged and learned person
BaagarबागरHeap of harvested crops
BaaheeबाहीTwo long arms of a traditional cot
Baakhrriबाखड़ीStage of buffalo giving less milk
Baallnaaबाळ्नाTo ignite the fire
Baall-maanबाळ-मानTiny gap, hair-line
BaankaliबाँकळीServing of boiled chana
BaanबानSystem of protection before marriage
Baanda/Paanglaबांडा / पांगळाOne who cannot walk straight
Baanhबान्हWell-ploughed field
Baangaddबांगड़Rough, fat stick
BaannबाणThreaded raw material for hand-knit rope
Baans/Baasबाँस/ बासFoul smell
BaaraबाराEarthen pot for storing desi ghee
BaariaबारियाPerson in ‘Dhanna’ to catch ‘dol’
BaarnnaबारणाOutside, outer area
BaarouthiबारौठीCinderella moment for bride
BasannबासणNormal size earthen pot
BaatबाटStandardized piece of metal for weighing
BaattबाटःWaiting forever for someone
Baatteeबात्तीFat cotton thread for oil lamp
Baaylबाल्यTop portion of a plant
BachhiyaबछियाCow’s female offspring
Bachhraबाछड़ाCow’s male offspring
BachooreबचूरेSmall children
Badda-Boodha/Badda-Theraबड्डा–बूढा/ बड्डा-ठेराSenior citizen
Baddbhaatiबड़भातीParticipates in sister’s grand-offspring marriage
Badrouबद्रोDisplaced actions
Baeraa garakबेडा गरकEverything is displaced
Bagadबगड़Open inner courtyard
BagarबगरSpecial powder-like substance
BagaannaबगाणाTo throw
Baggi/Buggiबग्गी / बुग्गीBull cart
BadhaannबधाणLong, thick rope used in bullock-cart
Bahaddkaबहड़काYoung bull
BahmiबहमीGuy in doubt
Bahwaddnaaबाहवड़ आनाTo return
BahrothiबाहरोठीRitual to welcome the Baarat
BaindnnaबैंडणाTalk meaninglessly
BainjuबेँजूHaryanvi musical instrument
BairannबैरणEnemy (female)
Baiyyanबय्यांWeaver-bird, expert in nest making
BakaanबकाणNeem tree variety
Bakkalबक्कलSkin of a tree
BakhoraबखोराGlass to drink milk
BakvaadबकवादFalse talk
Baladh/Bullhadबळध /बुळहदBull
Baldan-ki-suबळधाँ की सूँSwear by ox
BalgamबलगमGreasy substance causing cough
BaliyaanबलियाणBaniyaan (under-garment)
BallबळThe burning fire
BanchaatiबंचाटीDried cotton plant stems
BanniबणीMini forest outside a village
Baraah-Baaniबाराह-बानीFit/healthy, recovered from illness
BaraaniबरानीLand where irrigation not possible
BarafबरफIce, also ice-cream
BarajnaबरजणाTo interrupt, scold
BaratnaबरतणाTo use
BarbantiबरबंटीFruit of peepal tree
Barga/Bargeबरगा/ बरगेLike it, similar to
Barjaaबर्जाBalcony (‘Chajja’)
BaroolaबरौलाHomemade earthen pitcher
BarouliबरौलीSmaller version of ‘Baroola’
Barsodhiबर्सोधीFamily not celebrating a festival
Baseba/Baseraबसेरा/बसेबाResidential area
BasollaबसौलाSharp axe used by carpenters
BatauबताऊBrinjal, eggplant
BateuबटेऊMale guest, synonym for ‘Jamaai’
BathuaबथुआWeed used in human consumption
BatnnaबटणाSpecial rural paste for bride/groom
Battiबत्तीFlame of a lamp, electric light
BattiyaबटियाNarrow path in the fields
Bay-llannबेळणRolling pin for chapati
BeeguबीगूSmall insect on dog’s body
Beejjakddaबीजकड़ाSugarcane stems for freshness
BeejhaबीझाFellow with smallpox signs
BeejhalबीझळState of uneasiness
BeejhannबीझणInfested grain or wood
BeejondhiबीजोंढीCloth-bag for seeds
BeejooबीजूWild animal like a domestic cat
BeejnnaबीजणाHand fan
Bel-laaबेल्लाSmall metal dish
Beendiबीन्डीBundle of hand-made rope
BeendaबींडाRound slender wooden handle
BeerbaaniबीरबानीWoman, lady
Beettaa/Beesaaबीत्ता/ बीटा/ बीस्साWooden handle of hand tool
BeeyabanबीयाबानLonely or wild spot
BehooबेहूWatcher-pitcher for washing hands
Belaबेल्लाBowl used to drink milk
Bey-Mataबे-माताDeity of fertility for pregnant women
Beraa-Bichaarबेरा–बिचारFind out welfare of loved ones
BesuuhraaबेसूहराGuy who doesn’t know niceties
Bhaaeddभाड़Cooking oven
BhaandnaभांडणाScribbling, making ugly
BhaathभाठCommunity keeping records
BhaathaभाठाType of wooden surface for seat
BhaarognaभारोगनाTo befriend in marriage
BhawnaaभावणाIdea to promote, expression
BhawrajभावराजGentle-minded, patient
BhaiभाईYounger brother
BhaukanभौकनWolf and domestic dog behavior
BhiraभीराFather or honorary elder
BhiroyभिरोईTerrible person
BhirujभिरूजThis is a condition
BhumhiभुमहीEnjoy life
BhunkaभुनकाBeing silly
Bhur-Bichaarभुर- बिचारGossiping
BhuriभूरीGirl’s cat
BhuudiभुथीFake, false
BhuudiyaanभुथियाणFake news
BhumaanभुमाणElder, dignified
BhuutभूतSpirit, ghost
BhuunaiभुईनाईNear the tree
BhuunghभुईंघThick as a broom
BhuundakभूंडकPile of grass
BhuundhnaभूंडनाUsing someone
Bhuu-dhaभुई धाTies
BhuulnaभूळनाTo forget, lose sight
BhuttiभुटीThick woolen cloth
BhutsभूतसHen, female fowl
Bhat-hedभठेडMake something durable
Bhattaaभट्टाServing on a plate, big piece of food
BhaalभालEvil spirit
BhaanaभाणाBeautiful woman
BhangभांगIntoxicating herb
BhashenभाशेनHoly spirit
BhadkaभडकाUseless, overweight
BhakaभकाLight cloth, thin linen
Bhattiभट्टीUsed to cover faces in the fields
BhenभेनFemale goat
BhelभेलMixed vegetable salad
BholeभोलेInnocent, naive
BhukhiभूखिNoisy, talkative
Bhukudiभूकड़ीWearing elegant dresses
BhulbhaiभूलभाईBelief in someone’s innocence
BholभोळCunning, clever
BhunjभुंजIn harmony
BhunskhभुंसकTo rule
BhurukभुरूकWhite-capped blackbird
BhamarभामरDevotional songs
Bhurtaभुर्ताHoly offerings
BhuraभूराBunch of bananas
BhurभूरNature-loving person
Bhramanभ्रामणWise, knowledgeable
Bhrahaभ्राहGossipy person
BichhaबिछाChain of love, belonging
Biggaबिग्गाSpicy food
Bimblaबिम्बलाLittle child
BinaबीनाSound of a flute
BisukबिसुकLady’s wear
BoonबूनBaked food
BoukaबौकाOozing liquid
BouraबौराRipe, sweet fruit
Bulmouबुल्कूAn animal which can make noise
Bun-Bunबुन-बुनHappiness, joy
BihariबिहारीAn outsider
BailaबैलाGroup of girls
Badhalबद्हलFake, dishonorable
BaideबाईडेGirl’s voice
Baidaबायड़ाPicked up by women
BahanaबहानाFalse reason
BhalnaभालनाTo imitate
BhanthaभंटाTo shout and sing
BhanभांTo come
BhikhiभीखिOrphaned child
Bhitrashभित्राशThe covering cloth of a person
BhutभूतSpirit, ghost

Haryanvi Language Words starting with C

ChavचावA feeling of enthusiasm
ChaakhचाखWheel of a potter; chalk
Chaakhddaचाखड़ाRound wood for churning milk
ChaamraचामराGolden shade or blonde
Challonna/Gachonna/Ghasonnaचलोणा/गचोणा/घसोणाTo stab with a sharp instrument
ChaalooचालूTo start; clever (negatively)
Chamassa/Chaumassaचमासा/चौमासाRainy season/Monsoon
ChambhochaalliचंभोचाळीSharp, clever lady
Chaanchrraचांचड़ाCover of jowar seeds
ChaasnnaचासनाTo make something real
ChaasnniचासणीBoiled sugar in a frying pan
ChahaliचहलीTiny ditch for rainwater
ChakootaचकूटाFour-cornered object
Chak/Chakrauliचक/चकरौलीSmall agricultural land unit
ChamoulaचमौलाFunny talk for entertainment
ChamouthaचमौठाSeries of twists in tying objects
Chandaa/Kataaraa/Chhaddचन्दा/कटारा/छड़Types of peacock feathers
ChandnnaचानदणाDawn, beginning of twilight
Chandniratचानदणी रातMoonlit night
Changhaddnaचाँघड़नाTo drink in one go
Chanhat/Chantचँहट/चांटVery small wound
ChannakचणकNeck pain
ChapaaddचपाडCommunity hall
Chapddassचपड़सSticky material
ChapparnaचापरनाTo claim something not owned
CharचरThorny part attached to something
Charas/Chiddasचड़स/चिड़सLarge leather container for water
Charkhaचर्खाSpinning wheel
CharmakhचरमखTiny leather strip; shoe-bite wound
CharwaचरवाAnimal fodder
ChatakचटकSmart boy/girl
ChaudheचौढेBaby’s unease for someone
ChaugardaचौगरदाAll around
ChaundhaचौंधाSharp flash to the eyes
ChautalaचौटालाVillage name; nickname for defect
ChauthचौथDung of cattle
Chauthaddचौथड़Fat or plump person
Cheechaddचीचड़Tiny parasite on skin of animals
Cheegsa/Cheeghwaचीगसा/चीगवाHand-made mini lamp for Diwali
CheeklaचीकलाBaby sparrow
CheektaaचीकटाSticky surface
CheesचीसPain from an injury
CheetanचीतनWall painting in saffron clay
ChheethdaचीथडाPiece of old cloth or rags
ChheethnaचीथनाTo crush
Chirmatta/Chirmattiचिरमटा/चिरमटीCheeky kids who play pranks
Chehddooचेहड़ूLeftover material after ghee purification
Cheibhrraचेभड़ाOffspring of a swine
Chhabbaakछब्बाकLong jump
ChhanछानRoof of a makeshift hut
ChhanassछाणसTiny material obtained after filtering
ChhaangnaछांगनाTo trim tree branches
ChhajछाजSquare basket for cleaning grains
ChhaktaaछाकटाExtra-clever person
ChhathiछठीCelebration on 6th day after birth
ChhecharछेछरTo overreact
Chhechharhara/Chhecharhariछेछरहारा/छेछरहारीPerson who overreacts
ChheedaछीदाScattered or rare
Chheeddछीड़Not crowded
Chhelddeछेलड़ेTiny white substance from split milk
ChhetnnaछेतणाTo beat someone hard
ChibkeछिबकेWater splashing
ChhickmaaछिकमाIn plenty
ChhipiछिपीBoat-shaped iron cleaner
ChhirallछिरळTo chisel wood/concrete
ChholछोलTo remove leaves from sugarcane
ChhuchhakछूछकSimilar to a baby shower
Chhyavaछ्यावाShelter or house
Chhyonkछ्योंकTo fry onions or spices
ChhyoriछयोरीHeap of harvested crop bundles
ChighnaanचिघनानFalse show-off
Chilaam/Chilamचिलम/चिलामEarthen pot for heating tobacco
ChilameeyaचिलमियाOne who smokes ‘Chilam’
Chilattarचिलत्तरFalse show-off
ChinnaaiचिणाईBrick house construction process
Chinggarnnaचिंग्गरणाChild crying in anger
ChirmaraatचिरमराटItching with burning effect
ChirmathiचिरमठीTiny fruit of a wild parasite; naughty girl
ChobhaचोभाIron nail
ChobhhalldeचोभळदेExtreme curiosity
ChoddaचोडाWide in area
Choddi Paaddचौडी पाडTo open widely
ChogardhaचोगरदाSurrounding area
ChokhaचौखाOkay/Yes; Plentiful
ChonhattiचौंहटीTiny quantity of material
ChontryचौंतरीBench near doorstep
Chooghdaचूघड़ाEarthen lamp
ChoollaचूलाOld-fashioned hinge mechanism
ChoonचूनCrushed powder of grain
ChoondaचूँडाHair style of rural women
Choondhraa/Michkooचूंधरा/मिचकूGuy who blinks habitually
ChoonghnaचूँघणाTo chew
ChooranचूरणHomeopathic remedy for ailments
ChoormaचूरमाTraditional dish
ChoontanniचूँटणीManually plucking jowar/bajra tops
ChowaचोवाDeep spot for drinking water
ChaubaaraचौबाराSmall upper room
ChubhakचुभकSensation of pain/itching
ChugalचुगलSmall stone for covering Chilam
ChuchkarnaचुचकारनाAccepting a gift gratefully
Chughaddचुग्घड़Species of owl

Haryanvi Language Words starting with D

Daaदा(i) A sharp iron instrument like a sickle for cutting trees
  (ii) Tricks of a wrestler
  (iii) Readiness of a hunter
  (iv) Short form of Daada (grandfather)
DaabarडाबरA good cultivable area
Daabh/Kush/Kaansडाभ/कुश/काँसAn evergreen wild weed with deep roots
Daada-Laahhiदादा-लाहीSomething from ancestors; hereditary
DaadasदादसYour husband’s father’s mother
Daadda Maarnaदाड़ा मारनाTo get something free of cost
Daafaddदाफड़A scar or mild swelling from a sting
DaahnaaदाहनाDrain of fresh water in fields (irrigation)
Daig/Daigchiदेग/देगचीNarrow-mouthed pot used for boiling (small one is Daigchi)
DaimchiडैमचीA roll of threads
DaakotडाकोतTypical beggar or petty thief
DaakallडाकळYoung mustard plant branches used as a vegetable
Daakiडाक्कीA popular, accomplished person
DaamannदामणBulky and beautiful skirt worn by village women
DaansडाँसFlying mosquitos and biting insects
DaantanदाँतणTiny stem used as a toothbrush
Daatnnaडाटणा(i) To scold someone
  (ii) To keep or store something
DaantreyदांतरेMini, curved blades of sharp instruments
Daan-naदान्नाThe devil (‘Daanav’)
DaatडाटSupport for a ceiling, often v-shaped
DaattaडाटाCap of a bottle
DaayeenदाईंAge of a person
Daayeen-davaallदाईं-दवाळOf similar age
DaballoदबाळूPosition of a bullock-cart when overloaded
DabottaडबोटाTop portion of a desi skirt
DahharडहरLarge mini lake
DahejदहेजExpensive household goods given at a wedding
DahkaaदहकाStunning feeling upon hearing bad news
Daladdarदलद्दरShabby or dirty fellow
Dallदळ(i) To crush
  (ii) A layer or heap
DallaडळाThick piece of clay in the field
DallhaaडाळहाBranch of a tree
Dallapat-rajaदळपत राजाPorridge
Dameeddदमीड़Loud noise
DamhooiदमूहीDouble-headed snake
DandookडंडूकTiny stick
DangarडांगरAnimal stock
DangwaaraडंगवाराSystem of agricultural partnership
DaphliडफळीSmall-sized drum
Darr Maarnaदड़ मारनाTo pretend to sleep
DasmiदसमीCelebrated by Hawan & naming rituals
DaulddaदोलडाThick cotton carpet
Daumraदौमड़ाSudden, brief rain shower
DeelडीलPainful skin growth
DegchoonदेगचूनRaw iron
Dhabbiढब्बीFast friend
Dhaallढाळ(i) Slope
  (ii) “in the shape of”
  (iii) To close the gate
DhaanaढाणाLanding platform on a water well
DhaangधांगLarge heap of dry stuff
DhaankhढांखUgly-looking buffalo
DhaansधांसBad sneezing or tiny particles
Dhaddaधड़ा(i) A group
  (ii) One side of a scale
Dhamcharढ़मचरBad cold
Dhamdhamaढ़मढ़माLoose/weak structure
Dhanasba/Dhanakbaधनसबा/धनकबाFatal illness from sharp metal piece
DhandaaढांढाOld bull, unfit for work
DhanniधाणीRoasted barley grains
Dhaheeढई/डहीSticks in a bullock cart
Dhaiyyaढय्याLarge piece of ‘Gudd’
DharaaढाराHut for livestock
DharannधरणInner stomach part
DhhabaदहबाPressure from nature’s call
Dhhappढप्पBig drum for gatherings
Dhharriधड़ीWeight of 5 ‘ser’
Dhar-rataधर्राट/धर्राटाLoud noise of vehicles/machinery
Dhasaddkiधसड़कीStrong threat
DhathaaढाठाMini ghoonghat
DhatooraधतूराPoisonous wild plant
Dhaunnधौण20 ‘ser’ or half ‘mann’
Dhedh/Dhaidhढेड/ढैढStupid person
DheedढीढEnd-product of eye infection
Dheehढ़ीहHuge block of clay
DheemढीमLarge block of hard clay
Dheem-Siraढीम-सिराFellow with a heavy skull
DheendhraaढींढराThick flower-bud
DheengaढींगाIron spoon
DheiraढेराHeadlice, big one
Dhegraa/Dheggar/Thekkarढेगरा/ढेग्गर/ठेग्गरBroken pieces of earthen pot
DhibreeढिबरीIron-cap in machinery
Dhidhaannढिढ़ाणLong wild plant like jute
Dhisall-naढिसळणाLowering one’s prestige
DhobreढोबरेOld domestic utensils
DhodhaaढोढाOld-fashioned dance (Bhawaiya)
Dhottaधोट्टाGreen tree
Dhuppooधुप्पूA small heap of livestock feed
Dhuppraधुप्परHide and seek game
Dhuskaधुस्काBird with rich colors
DhumarधुमरMass of grains
DhurkiधुरकीPower of a big bullock
DhutthaaधुथाAn empty glass
DhawallaधवालाA big cow/bull
DhawleeधवलीLovely and good human

Haryanvi Language Words starting with Other Letters

PronunciationHaryanvi WordMeaning
Eendhiईन्ढीSmall ring made of cloth to carry pot on the head
EelamऐलमKnowledge / information in advance
Ekaddvassiएकड़वासीThe lonely place
FaanccherफांचरWooden splinters
Faanchi maarnaफांची मारनाTo interrupt
Faanss/ Fansatफाँस/ फाँसटThe 2-inches odd stems of any crop visible in the field
Faddfaddiफड़फड़ीThe thick form of churned milk
Fahdda/ Fahwddaफाहड़ा / फाहवड़ाWooden hand-tool for removing clay, dirt etc.
FailnaफैलणाThe talkative and arrogant fellow
FainफेनSuperior type of cloth used in Dhotis
Fallaariफल्लारीTo jump over a horse’s back
FallsaफळसाThe outer area of a village
FalsiफळसीInstrument for extracting seeds from the crop
FankiफाँकीOne dose of a medicinal powder
Fapheddnaफफेड़नाTo bite severely, like dogfight
Farhaddeफरहड़ेThe dry, harvested plant of jowar/baajra
FarwatफरवटExpert in a particular job
Fatka ,FatkarफटकानाMethod of shaking dust off an object
FofassफोफसA fat but physically weak fellow
FikraaफिकराOne part of a song
Fitfit/Fatfattiफिटफिट / फटफटीNick-name of a scooter/motor-cycle/three-wheeler
Fokka/ Fokkiफोक्का / फोक्कीAn item in its totality, nothing added to it
Folla/Folliफ़ोळा/ फ़ोळीAnything easily available
Follarफोल्लरThe skin of a grain/ seed
Foohaddफूहड़Man/woman with no sense of hygiene
FoorsaatफुरसतOne who has enough time to spare
FosraफौसराOne who does not apply his own mind
Foukri Gaadrriफौकरी गादड़ीSpecial type of she-jackal
FusphusiफुसफुसीLose/ airy material without any stiffness
Fyavriफ्यावरीAngry lady who can hit her target
Gadadaगढड़ाTripod of wood for infants to learn walk
GaadhगाधFilth in the bottom of water
Gaaddaगाड़ाAnother name for Muslims or Christians
Gaaggaddगागड़The long, boring tale
GadhhallगाधळMud and water mixed
Gaallगाळ(i) The street; (ii) To call a name
GaamouliगामौलीThe villager
Gaar/ Gaaraaगार / गाराThe mud/ soaked clay
Gaade-Loharगाड्डे लोहारSee ‘Bhoobhaliya’
GaasगासSemi-fluid dishes
GaatगातHuman body
GabhaगाभाOld, worn out clothes
Gabhrooगाभरू /घाभरूA healthy young man
GabsuaगभसूवाSafety pin
Gaddangगड़ंगTell-tale/ boasts
Gaddangteगड़ंगटेCremation ground
GadoodगदूदNaturally swollen portion
Gaddoosगड़ूसUsed to express irritation
GahantaaगंहटाThe art of using bullocks for extracting corn
Gailadda/ Gailaddeगैलड़ा / गैलड़ेIn the back of it
Gail/ Gailyaanगैल / गैल्यांWith/ attached
Gaintal/Gaatilगैंतल/गात्तिलMisbehaves without reason
GairaगैराA small bundle of crop
GajbannगजबणA charming lady
GallghaगळघाA little bit empty
GaleifगलेफThick cotton cover
GaljotगळजोटWorking shoulder to shoulder
Galla/ Galleगळा / गळे(1) The throat; (2) Tonsils
GallamaaगळामाRope put in the neck of bullock
GallamiगळामीStrong ties or relationship
GalhooraगलहूराCheek of a sweet child
GaloorगलूरTiny piece of sugarcane
GandasaगंडासाMachine to cut fodder
GandassiगंडासीAxe-like tool for cutting thick crops
Gandaa-Gaandlleeगंडा-गांडळीGarland of peacock feathers
Ganderi/ Gandeeriगंडेरी / गंडीरी1-foot long piece of sugarcane
Gandsyaaगंडस्याV-shape piece of wood
GanthaगंठाThe onion
GantheeगंठीGold ornament worn by rural women
GanthooगंठूTonsils in the throat
Gapauddiगपौड़ीA talkative fellow
Garand/ Garallगरंड/गरळRound-shaped earthen pot
Gareiddaगरेड़ाHinderance/ obstacle
Garad-Pharadगरड-फरडIllustrates the movement of clouds
GarkiगरकीHigh ground-water level
Gathhddi,Gathhddaगठड़ी,गठड़ाItems tied in square cloth
Gauddiगौड़ीAgricultural instrument
Gavar Pathaगवार पट्ठाAloe Vera
Gavhera/ Gurheddiyaaगवहेरा/ गुरहेड़ियाWild poisonous lizard
GawaariaगवारियाNomad caste expert in needlework
Gawhaandगवांढ / गवहांडNeighbouring villages
Geendo/Khinnooगींडो/ खिन्नूBall
GeetगीतLocal songs
Geetan Aaliगीतां आळीGroup of ladies singing folk songs
GeglaaगेगलाA weed plant growing with wheat
Geiddaगेड़ाOne round of a particular job
GhaagreeघाघरीSame as ‘Daaman’
GhaalघालAct of raiding opponents in Kabbadi
GhaatघाटLow amount or entry point in a pond
GhalnaघालणाTo pour in / insert
Ghaddounchiघड़ौंचीMini table used while repairing bullock-cart
Ghaddsanniघड़सन्नीIdol made of clay
Gharraघर्राVery lazy person
GhatkaघटकाThe skin, or shell of fruit
GhatriघटरीNatural charm/ light-heartedness
GhirodhiघीरोधिA series of cushions
GhuulघुलTo mix together
Ghuudघूड़Base of the water
Ghurkiघुड़की(1) To travel; (2) To move quickly
Gijjraगिज्जराOld auntie/ respectable lady
GiyaaगियाHeavy mud for making house
Glattiग्लटीSkimmed milk
GoliगोलीA little ball
GoniगोनीLarge bag made of jute
GoondगूंडOne who is a troublemaker
GopalगोपालCow protector/ farmer
GoonगूणA wicked person
Gooldगोल्डJaggery piece
Guddul/ Guddul/Gudduगुड़ल / गुड़ल / गुड़्दूSweet dish made from jaggery
Guddul Chahtaगुड़ल चाहताWhole portion of sugarcane
Gurhlaगुड़हलA full barrel of sweets
Gyaanज्ञानKnowledge/ skill
HadooraहदूराA little with a dull eye
Hadaag/ Hadiroहड़ाग / हड़िरोA musical piece to hear
Hagal/Hagaltuहगाल / हगल्टुStrong/serious sound
HaibaanहैबानSpecial ring made of iron
HalaalहलालOne who does not fit in
Haldiहल्दीYellow color; turmeric
HanumanहनुमानPowerful monkey god; symbol of strength
HaregaहारैगाA little round flower
Harsh/ Harshitहर्ष / हर्षितHappy/sweet feeling
Hazar-Hawaहजार-हवाA stormy, dusty wind
Hidkहिड्कA high-pitched sound
Hoddiहोड़ड़ीA female cow
HojhaहोझाA very tall person
HooruहूरूLight weight moon
JaalजालNet; web
JaatजातCommunity; caste
Jakhadजखड़A rough path
JaluजलूA muddy road
JamaniजामनीBoiling; cooking
Jangraजंगड़ाWeak, worthless
JareeजरीString/ rope used for binding
JhagatझगटElder, as per context
JhaagझागHigh-pitched sound
JhalliझालीLeather purse
JhornaझोरनाTo slide
Jindalजिन्डलTo breathe
Jodaarजोड़ाThe sounds of a female goat
Juddiजुड्डीMixing of items together
Jugaadiजुगाड़ीSkilled / resourceful
Kaahdaकाहड़ाCommon worker
Kaash/ Kashकाश / कशWood used for cleaning
KaayaकायाThe body; flesh
Kadiकड़ीNon-vegetarian dish
KaflaकफलाOne who is fun-loving
KahaalकाहालTypical Haryanvi villages and their people
KaharकहरThe high-pitched sound
Kahrraकहर्राScreaming sound
Kahi/Dashकहि / डाशCry of a sheep
Kajjharकज्ज़हरA crowd of people, especially in a market
Kakkharकक्कड़A big crowd; mob
KamalकमलLotus; unique
KamandarकमंडरGoddess of love/beauty
Kachhaकच्चाRaw; unripe
Kadiकढ़ीThe gravy of a non-veg dish
Kaidaकैड़ा(1) A twist; (2) A turn
KalmaकलमाTo eat in moderation
KamriकमरीA place for storing vegetables
Kapriकापड़ीMan wearing a lungi or pajamas
Kaptaanकाप्तान(1) Leader; (2) Captain
KaramकरमJob, work
KartabकरतबSkill, act
KaurकौरSon; female child
KaurkiकौरकीSon of a female child
KeelaकीलाWood used for tying a bunch of items
KhadriखदरीOne who enjoys life
KhajurखजूरDate fruit
KhalaखालाThe empty pot
KhaataaखाताA person who draws interest
KhanaखानाThe essential food
KhandaखंडाA dangerous person
KhariखारीPure, clean
Khichriखिचड़ीA typical dish made from rice and pulses
KhisaanखिसानStrong woman, warrior
Khordaiखोड़ाईA strong body part
KhuddoखुददोTo take care
KhundखंडA common saying
KhorabखोरबAn invitation to taste delicious food
KhorhaखोरहाThe praise of good food
KichaaकिचाTo sleep
Kichharकिचड़Cow dung; filthy
Kichhdiकिचड़ीA particular style of food
KichkiकिचकीAn irritating sound
KholiखोलीA wild animal
KhorhखोरहThe beast of prey
KhushखुशHappy; pleasure
Khyarख्यरA large/ thick man
KirnकिरणA ray of light
Kirtanकीर्तनFolk song, usually for devotion
KorathकोरथLazy man
Kurtaकुर्ताTraditional Indian wear for men
KuroorकुरूरAn energetic person
KuruकुरुA wise person
Kurta/ Kurtiकुर्ता / कुर्तीA tunic; traditional clothing
LaundaलौंडाA male child
Ladduलड्डूA sweet dish
LajawabलाजवाबExcellent; extraordinary
LakhnaलाखनाA lovely kiss; a gift
Lakshyaलक्ष्यA target
LalaलालाA respectful way to address a male
LahaलहांA common name for women
LalajiललाजीA respectful way to address an elderly man
LalooललूA friendly term for a boy
LatkaलटकHanging item; something that dangles
LattaiलटाईA netted cloth
LaukikलौकिकEarthly; worldly
LungiलुंगीTraditional garment for men
MaheshमहेशA god’s name; supreme
MahruमहरूA girl, beloved
MainaमैनाA common bird, beloved in folklore
MajhgaonमझगांवA small village
MalakarमलाकरSomeone who makes sweets
Mardमर्दMan, masculine
MasalaमसालाSpice mix
MatharमाथरA fowl; hen
MehnaमेहनाBeautiful flower
MelaiमेलेFair; festival
MilnaमिलनाTo meet
MohanमोहनA handsome boy
Mukhdaमुखड़ाFace, especially pretty face
MulaikaमुलाइकाBeautiful girl
Mundraमुंद्राA protective cover
NaayiनाईHairdresser; barber
NaalनालPipe; channel
NaariनारीWoman; female
NakhraनखराAttitude; style
NakhroनखरोStyle; way
NarangiनारंगीOrange fruit
NashiliनशिलीBubbly; effervescent
NeelaनीलाBlue; color
NikhadनिखदGolden; bright
NooniनूनीPure; innocent
PaakhiपाखीA bird; cheerful
PakwanपकवानA special dish
PalnaपलनाTo raise, to lift
PaliपालीA female goat
PanjiriपंजीरीA sweet dish
PehliपहलीThe first
PhaagफागA kind of folk song
PhulwariफुलवारीGarden of flowers
PindपिंडA village
PinddaपिंडडाSmall village
PiyaपियाBeloved; dear one
Piyaraप्याराSweet; lovable
Rakhdiराखड़ीOne who is precious
Rakshyaरक्ष्याA promise, a pledge
RakaरकाTo fight
Rattiरत्तीA small measure of weight
RawanरावणDemon king in Hindu mythology
RidaरिडाA promise
Rudraरुद्रA fierce deity; god of storm
SadaसदाAlways; forever
SadaaसदाA forever feeling
SaheliसहेलीFriend; companion
SakoonसुकूनCalmness; peace
SangatसंगतCompany; group
SanjhiसंझीA special collection
Sattiसत्तिA truth
SehraसेहराA garland
SelaसेलाA bed; cot
SewanसेवानTo hear
SewariसेवारीTo sing together
Shabdaशब्दाSound; word
ShahidशहीदMartyr; sacrifice
Shashwatशाश्वतEternal; everlasting
ShikaarशिकारHunt; game
ShorशोरNoise; uproar
SitaसीताWife of Lord Rama; an ideal woman
Smritiस्मृतिMemory; remembrance
Snehaस्नेहAffection; love
SuhailसुहैलGood friend
SuhaliसुहालीA healthy way of living
Sulakshanaसुलक्षणाA person with good qualities
SurajसूरजSun; bright
SurkhसुरखRed; color
Suryaसूर्यSun; light
TaalतालRhythm; beat
TaatuतातूA creature; a bug
TaalikaतालिकाA beautiful art form
TaanतानTo sing
TaarikaतारिकाA shining star
Taazaताज़ाFresh; new
TandoorतंदूरClay oven
TehzeebतहजीबCulture; tradition
ThakaथकाTired; exhausted
ThookथूकSpit; to throw away
ThumkaथुमकाA beautiful dance step
ThushiथुशीA cute sound, especially in singing
Tikkaटिक्काA mark; a spot
TulaतुलाWeighing scale
TulaतुलाA scale; a balance
Udaariउड़ारीA bird; flyer
UjalaउजालाBrightness; light
Uljanउल्जनConfusion; mess
UmangउमंगHappiness; joy
UpaayaउपायSolution; remedy
UpkaarउपकारA kind gesture; favor
VaatवातAir; wind
VaatmaवातमाA heavy burden
Vishwaasविश्वासTrust; belief
YaarयारFriend; buddy
Zorज़ोरStrength; force


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